Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Pics

I've been really lucky to get some really good shots of the girls this summer... here are just a few of my favorites.... Aren't they beautiful? (If I do say so myself!) And the really, really great thing is... they're just as pretty on the inside.
We are truly, truly blessed!


Pam said...

I found your blog today. Your girls are adorable. I laughed when I saw your post on Natural Bridge Caverns. We were as shocked as you were that you just think you're gonna die in there its so hot. It's just wrong, I tell ya! LOL

Anonymous said...

i found your blog this morning and have enjoyed the bright cheerful pictures off and on all morning (well, with a break in there for church). I'm cleaning and cooking because my aunt and uncle are en route.

What beautiful girls! I love the music!

I love your blog!
