Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Daddy Daughter Day!

Today is St. Patricks Day and the first official day of Spring Break. Daddy and the girls are spending the day together while Mommy gets to have some time to herself! They're going to Arlington or Fort Worth or somewhere to do fun stuff! I sent the camera with Todd so hopefully I'll get some good pictures to share in another post. The girls managed to find something green to wear... which is not an easy task in the sea of pink that is their closet!!
Hiking in Glen Rose

After our tour of Dinosaur World, we went to the Glen Rose Dinosaur Park to hike. It was such a beautiful day... not too hot... not too cold. It was perfect. We had so much fun. Madison was the adventurous one this time. Always staying way ahead of the rest of us and pretty much fearless about climbing up or down. Makinley was a little more hesitant and stuck pretty close to Daddy all day. They played in the river a little bit and had a blast. We promised to do it more often. We all really enjoyed ourselves.... and each other.
Dinosaur World!

We went to Dinosaur World in Glen Rose on Sunday. It's only been open 1 week and we highly recommend that anyone within reasonable distance GO! It's soooo cool! There are over 100 life-sized dinosaurs! It's really quite amazing! After wandering through the trails to see all of the dinosaurs the kids get to dig for fossils and get to keep their 3 favorites! It was so much fun! The girls LOVED it!! Todd and I really enjoyed it too!
Easter at School

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Friday, March 14, 2008
Singing at School

Hard to say Good-bye
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Jessi's Big Day!


Madison hung out in the babysitting room and watched movies a lot.

My beautiful niece Jessi Lynn got married this weekend to Mr. Jon Brymer. The wedding was beautiful! The girls were in charge of passing out brochures as people entered the church. They did a great job! I was so proud of them. The wedding was followed by a fabulous reception with dinner and dancing. One of the highlights of evening was when Jimmy (father of the bride) joined the band on stage and played his fiddle. It was awesome! Makinley danced the night away... dancing with her Daddy, the bride, the groom, Savannah, Erin.. and anyone else that would dance with her... or just by herself. She was so cute! Madison hung out in the babysitting room with some other kids and sitters watching movies for most of the night. Her eyes were still bothering her a little bit. We had such a great time. It was so wonderful all being together. We wish Jon and Jessi a long and happy life together! They sure did a great job of kicking it off!!