May our paths always lead back to each other.
Madison the Pilgrim
Makinley with her friend Amy Wallen
We didn't really have a theme.. just decorations in red, black and white with stars
Having cake with the birthday girl's sister, Maddie
Kenzie - The Birthday Princess!
Makinley, Macy, Maddie, Jada, Tennyson, Brianna, Bailey, Addison, Madison
We had the season's first Cheer Competition... ASC Regionals in Denton this weekend. The girls did great! We took first place in our category... but we were the only ones in our category! I think we would have won even if we'd had competition. They were awesome! We went up on Friday night and all camped out in ONE tiny Motel 6 room... Mommy, Miss Amy, Miss Hollie, Aunt Ava, Makinley, Madison, Macy, Maddie and Savannah! We were packed in like sardines! But it was fun!! We were so happy that Aunt Ava and Savannah came with us. We hope to make it a tradition! Go STARS!!